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Professional Summary

Over my career, I have managed gender-transformative programming on the ground, written technical publications, written gender-transformative curricula, trained local implementers and facilitators, developed proposals to funders, conducted evaluations, and participated in research studies of gender programming.  My work in evaluations and in research includes peer-reviewed publications and internal evaluation reports.  I have worked extensively around prevention of Violence Against Women, social norms programming, and integration of gender into Development and Humanitarian programming.    


Gender Planning  Content Strategy    Strategic Leadership   
Campaign Management   Program Design

Gender-transformative    Program design and implementation.
 Content Creation    Fundraising    Thought Leadership

Work Experience


Senior Technical Advisor - Gender Program Design & Implementation, Gender Justice Team & Company - CARE – New York, NY

- Supported fundraising for gender programming (such as What Works 2)

- Provided technical support and managed implementation of gender programs in Africa and Asia

- Managed consultants

- Contributed to strategic leadership and thought leadership processes and documents

- Supported better partnerships models with southern feminist social movements

- Worked with small group to create CARE’s first Feminist Advisory Board                                         


Curriculum Writer Consultant - Women and Health Alliance - New York, NY

Co-authored United For a Better Life GBV prevention curriculum, supported training of
facilitators design and evaluation.


Gender Technical Advisor Health Unit - International Rescue Committee – New York, NY

- Supported Health Unit to integrate gender into programming

- Provided technical support to develop gender sensitive or transformative programs


- Developed and provide training to country staff on how to address gender in programs/operations

2011- 2018

Senior Technical Advisor Gender/Men As Partners - EngenderHealth – New York, NY

- Supervised and managed Gender/MAP staff and consultants and provide leadership around gender programming internally and externally

- Provided technical support to field and HQ on gender transformative and GBV programming

- Developed training materials and facilitate gender trainings and workshops

- Developed external publications such as gender transformative curricula, engaging men toolkit, and co-authored studies of GBV prevention interventions.

Technical Advisor Gender/MAP  (February 2011-September 2013)

- Provided technical support to field and HQ staff on gender transformative and GBV programming


Senior Program Officer - Instituto Promundo – Rio de Janeiro

- Program management of gender and male engagement projects in Brazil and overseas.

- Provided capacity building around gender equality in Brazil and overseas.

- Development, writing, research, and editing of publications

- Supported MenEngage Alliance coordination.



Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

Masters in Public Health 


University of Texas at Austin

Bachelors in Anthropology


Leight J, Deyessa N, Verani F, et al. Community- level spillover effects of an intervention to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV transmission in rural Ethiopia. BMJ Global Health 2021;6:e004075. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-004075


Sharma V, Leight J, Verani F, Tewolde S, Deyessa N (2020) Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate intervention to prevent IPV and HIV transmission among men, women, and couples in rural Ethiopia: Findings from a cluster-RCT.  PLoS Med 17(8): e1003274.


Leight J, Deyessa N, Verani F, Tewolde S, Sharma V (2020) An IPV prevention intervention for men, women, and couples in Ethiopia: Additional findings on substance use and depressive symptoms from a cluster-randomized controlled trial. PLoS Med 17(8): e1003131.


Allan A, Copper M, Cornes P, Verani F. (2020) How Business Can Engage Men as Allies for Gender Equality. Stanford Social Innovation Review.


Verani F, Tewolde S, Scott J, Deyessa N, Sharma V (2019). Unite for a Better Life: A gender transformative program to prevent intimate partner violence and HIV. Curriculum for Couples – Guide for program facilitators. Paris, France.


EngenderHealth and United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). (2017). Engaging men in sexual and reproductive health and rights, including FP: Why using a gender lens matters. New York.


Samandari G, Delamou A, Traore P, Diallo F, Millimono S, Camara B, Laffe K, Verani F, Tolliver M. (2016)  Integrating Intimate Partner Violence Screening and Counseling in a Family Planning Clinic: Evaluation of a Pilot Project in Conakry, Guinea. African Journal of Reproductive Health. Vol 20. No 2.


Pulerwitz, J, Hughes, L, Mehta, M, Kidanu, A, Verani, F, & Tewolde, S. (2015) “Changing gender norms & reducing intimate partner violence: Results from a quasi-experimental intervention study with young men in Ethiopia,” AJPH 105(1): 132–137.


Prevalence and correlates of intimate partner violence among family planning clients in Conakry, Guinea. Delamou A., Samandari G., Camara B., Traore P., Diallo F., Millimono S., Wane D., Toliver M., Laffe K., Verani F. BMC Research Notes. 2015. 8:814.


Rolleri, L, Verani, F, Lees, S et al. (2014), Wanawake Na Maisha (IPV Prevention Curriculum). London. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine; New York: EngenderHealth; Mwanza: Mwanza Intervention Trials Unit at the National Institute for Medical Research.


Sloan, N. L., Verani, F., and Shannon, C. 2014. The effects of a gender-based violence awareness campaign in Luanda, Angola: A quasi-experimental study. The RESPOND Project Study Series: Contributions to Global Knowledge—Report No. 17. New York: EngenderHealth


Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health: A global toolkit for action.  Christine Ricardo and Fabio Verani.  UNFPA & Promundo. Brazil 2010


Promoting Gender Equity for HIV and Violence Prevention: Results from the Male Norms

Initiative Evaluation in Ethiopia. Pulerwitz J, Martin S, Mehta M, Castillo T, Kidanu A, Verani F, Tewolde S. Washington, DC: PATH; 2010.


Men’s Participation as Fathers in the Latin American & Caribbean Region: A Critical Literature Review with Policy Considerations. Barker G & Verani F. Promundo. Brazil. 2008.


Engaging Men at the Community Level. K Klindera, A Levack, M Mehta, C Ricardo, F Verani. ACQUIRE Project/EngenderHealth and Promundo 2008


Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual. K. Klindera, A Levack, M Mehta, C Ricardo and F Verani. ACQUIRE Project/EngenderHealth and Promundo 2008.

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